LEI Leit - Athugaðu LEI númerið þitt

Franklin Templeton Global Funds plc


LEI: 549300M67ZOT1427V661

Ireland, Dublin, Riverside Two, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Grand Canal Dock, D02 X576
Löglegt nafn
Franklin Templeton Global Funds plc
Önnur nöfn lögaðila
Legg Mason Global Funds Public Limited Company
Franklin Templeton Global Funds Public Limited Company
Skráð hjá
Registers for financial service providers and collective investment schemes (Central Bank of Ireland)
Ireland, Ireland
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Dagsetning stofnunar


Riverside Two
Sir John Rogerson's Quay
Grand Canal Dock
D02 X576
IE | Ireland
Heimilisfang höfuðstöðva
C/o Franklin Templeton International Services S.a r.l.
8A, rue Albert Borschette
LU | Luxembourg

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Umsýslunnar LOU
Bloomberg Finance L.P. (Bloomberg Finance L.P.)
Heimildir staðfestingar
Staðfest við
Registers for financial service providers and collective investment schemes (Central Bank of Ireland)
Ireland, Ireland
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FTGF Royce Global Small Cap Premier FundFranklin Responsible Income 2028 FundFTGF Western Asset Sustainable Global Corporate Bond FundFranklin Responsible Income 2029 FundFTGF ClearBridge Global Sustainability Improvers FundFTGF Brandywine Global - US Fixed Income FundFTGF Martin Currie Improving Society FundFTGF Brandywine Global Multi-Sector Impact FundFTGF Western Asset US Core Plus Bond FundFTGF Western Asset Short Duration Blue Chip Bond FundFTGF ClearBridge Global Infrastructure Income FundFTGF Western Asset Euro Core Plus Bond FundFTGF Martin Currie European Unconstrained FundFTGF Brandywine Global Defensive High Yield FundFTGF Western Asset Global Core Plus Bond FundFTGF Brandywine Global Income Optimiser FundFTGF ClearBridge US Large Cap Growth FundFTGF Western Asset US Corporate Bond FundFTGF Western Asset Global High Yield FundLEGG MASON MARTIN CURRIE JAPAN ABSOLUTE ALPHA FUNDFTGF Western Asset Global Multi Strategy FundFTGF Western Asset US High Yield FundLegg Mason Clearbridge Emerging Markets Infrastructure FundLegg Mason Western Asset Global Inflation Management FundFTGF Brandywine Global Opportunistic Fixed Income FundFTGF Martin Currie Global Long-Term Unconstrained FundFTGF ClearBridge US Aggressive Growth FundFTGF Franklin MV Asia Pacific Ex Japan Equity Growth and Income FundBrandywine Global - US High Yield FundFranklin MV Global Equity Growth and Income FundFTGF ClearBridge Infrastructure Value FundLegg Mason Western Asset UK£ Core Plus Bond FundFTGF Martin Currie Asia Long-Term Unconstrained FundFTGF Brandywine Global Dynamic US Equity FundFTGF Royce US Smaller Companies FundFTGF Brandywine Global Enhanced Absolute Return FundFTGF Western Asset Global Credit FundLegg Mason Global Funds plc - Franklin MV European Equity Growth and Income FundFTGF Brandywine Global Fixed Income Absolute Return FundFTGF Brandywine Global Credit Opportunities FundFTGF ClearBridge Tactical Dividend Income FundFTGF Western Asset Macro Opportunities Bond FundFTGF ClearBridge Value FundFTGF Western Asset Multi-Asset Credit FundFTGF Martin Currie Asia Pacific Urban Trends Income FundFTGF ClearBridge US Equity Sustainability Leaders FundFTGF ClearBridge Global Growth FundFTGF ClearBridge US Appreciation FundFTGF Brandywine Global Fixed Income FundFTGF Western Asset Structured Opportunities FundFTGF Western Asset Short Duration High Income Bond FundFTGF Brandywine Global High Yield FundFTGF Western Asset US Core Bond FundFTGF Western Asset US Government Liquidity FundFTGF Western Asset UK Investment Grade Credit FundFTGF Martin Currie Global Emerging Markets FundFTGF Western Asset UK Pound Long Duration FundWestern Asset UCITS SMASh Series Core Plus Completion FundFTGF Western Asset US Mortgage-Backed Securities FundFTGF Royce US Small Cap Opportunity FundFTGF Western Asset Asian Opportunities Fund
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